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Inspection of Pressure vessels

What is pressure vessel? Pressure vessel is closed container which holds liquids or gasses at a pressure greater than the atmospheric...

Heat Treatment of Alloys

What is an Alloy? Since metals are insoluble in water, alcohol; they are mixed with other metals in molten state which upon cooling...

Welding inspection Methods

Welding is a process of joining metals by process of heating. Most of the weld made are manual. It is possible that the weld may have...

What is eddy current testing in NDT?

What is an Eddy Current? Eddy currents are currents that circulate in conductors like swirling eddies (a whirlpool) in a stream. They...

Radiography Testing procedure

An Important principle of Radiography Testing procedure is How to arrange for Radiography Testing? Radiography is Non destructive testing...

What is Non Destructive Testing ?

Non Destructive Testing , NDT , is industrial method for analyzing the characteristics of material or finding the discontinuities in the...

Welding with filler wire procedure

Welding is a process of joining two base metals by heating it. It can be done with or without additional filler metal being used. Below...

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