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Inspection test plan – QA QC Course for Mechanical Engineers


QA QC : Quality Control or Quality Assurance is most prioritized department in all industries ranging from Steel Plants to research and development projects. Quality Assurance is the act of streaming the manufacturing process in align with quality requirements Quality Control is the act of checking the products for the required quality level. Industries create the Inspection Test Plan which is a part of QA document which specifies all the QC activities for project.

Inspection Test Plan-AQC

An Inspection Test Plan is the document which includes the step by step activities of the manufacturing process An example of Inspection Test Plan is given here:

The ITP will state the QC activity that has to be carried out in step by step process. It starts from initial part of the project like signing the contract between Client and Customer. States up to the final dispatch and submission of final dossier. ITP mentions:

  • The referencing documents for each stages

  • The Parameters to be verified during each stages

  • Standards to be followed for each process

  • Acceptance Criteria for the process

  • Reports to be followed  for documenting

  • Responsible person who has to carry out the inspection and at what stage of the Inspection.

The ITP states the responsibility of people involved, not only for contractor but also for client representatives, The responsibility shall be defined in Four categories W-Witness, S- Surveillance,  R-Review  & A-Approval for both contractor and client representatives.

  • W: Witness Point – requires the person to be present on site and witness the complete inspection

  • S: Surveillance Point- gives the option of random witness of the inspection activity

  • R: Review Point- requires the person to just review and sign the inspection document

  • A: Approval point – States that the document or format should be approved by the person mentioned.

Also ITP’s are tend to be revised in case of any changes required. So it is essential to verify that the final revised ITP’s are referred and are approved by all the parties. To know more about QC documents and QA Process feel free to ask +91 9489342244 or visit Visit our Blog site to get updates


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