Welding inspection during welding operations should include all the audit parameters to verify that the welding is performed to the procedures. Such tasks may include the following:
Quality Assurance
Establish a quality assurance and quality control team with the welding organization.
Quality control items to assess:
Welder is responsible for quality craftsmanship of weldments.
Welder meets qualification requirements
Welder understands welding procedure and requirements for the work.
Special training and mock-up weldments performed if required.
Welder understands the inspection hold-points.
Potential inspector actions:
Review welder performance with welding organization as below

Welding Parameters and Techniques
Confirm welding parameters and techniques are supported by the WPS and WPQ.
Quality control items to assess:
1.Essential variables are being met during welding.
Filler material, fluxes, and inert gas composition/flow rate.
Purge technique, flow rate, O2 analysis, etc.
Rod warmers energized or where rod warmers are not employed, the welder complies with maximum exposure times out of the electrode oven.
Preheating during tack welding and tack welds removed (if required).
Welding technique, weld progression, bead overlap, etc.
Equipment settings such as amps, volts, and wire feed.
Preheat and interpass temperatures.
Travel speed (key element in heat input).
Heat input (where appropriate).
2. Mock-up weldment, if required, meets requirements with welder and welding engineer.
3. Welder displays confidence and adheres to good welding practices.
Potential inspector actions:
Review mock-up weldment problems with welding engineer.
Review welder quality with welding organization.
Weldment Examination
Complete physical checks, visual examination, and in-process NDE
Quality control items to assess:
Tack welds to be incorporated in the weld are of acceptable quality.
Weld root has adequate penetration and quality.
Cleaning between weld passes and of any back-gouged surfaces is acceptable.
Additional NDE performed between weld passes and on back-gouged surfaces shows acceptable results.
In-process rework and defect removal is accomplished.
In-process ferrite measurement, if required, is performed and recorded.
Final weld reinforcement and fillet weld size meets work specifications and drawings.
These are the tasks welding inspector course fees. Trainings for welders, trainings for Welding inspections, Courses and Certification for performing NDT, consultancies for welding procedure Specification WPS , Welder qualification in Coimbatore etc., are readily available globally everywhere, for more assistance contact experts at https://aqcinspection.com/ .