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NDT – Few Other Methods

Here are some rarely used NDT – Few Other Methods 1. Eddy Current Testing – ET: Eddy-current inspection uses electromagnetic induction...

Recommendations for Welding

We would see about Recommendations for Welding of Structural Steel as per AWS D1.1 , 2020 revision Groove Weld: (Clause 4.4.1) Weld...

Weld Position- Fillet Welds

Fillet Weld Positions The advantage of the fillet-welded joint is that it’s unnecessary to prepare the edges of the plates or sheets for...


Standards for Welding Positions: It is very important for the Weld Inspector to know the position, or location of a joint relative to the...

AQC- Quality Assurance Glossary

Quality Assurance Glossary This blog gives you the abbreviations and definitions of terms used in quality Assurance department....


The following should be considered when selecting equipment for magnetic particle testing. Is equipment for wet or dry method?...

Inspection of Pressure vessels

What is pressure vessel? Pressure vessel is closed container which holds liquids or gasses at a pressure greater than the atmospheric...

Heat Treatment of Alloys

What is an Alloy? Since metals are insoluble in water, alcohol; they are mixed with other metals in molten state which upon cooling...

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