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The sole purpose of welding procedures is to describe the details that are to be followed in the welding of specific materials or type of joint. The following is a list of standard specifications for welding procedures that are normally covered in welding procedures specification for all welding processes.

Nondestructive Examination – ASME Section V

A. Article 1, General Requirements:

The Welding Inspector should be familiar with, and understand

  1. The Scope of Section V

  2. Rules for use of Section V

  3. Responsibilities of the Owner / User and Subcontractors

  4. Calibration, Inspection and Examination

  5. Record Keeping Requirements

B. Article 2, Radiographic Examination:

  1. The Scope of Article 2 and General Requirements,

  2. The Rules for Radiography applied on butt welded seams: Required Marking;

Type, Selection, Number, and Placement of IQI’s;

Allowable Density and Density Ranges;

Control of Backscatter Radiation;

3. Recording of inspection;

C. Article 6, Liquid Penetrant Examination (Including mandatory appendices II / III):

General rules for applying the Liquid Penetrant Method, but not limited to the following:

  1. The Scope of Article 6,

  2. General requirements such as but not limited to: Procedure,Contaminants, Techniques, Examination ,Interpretation,Documentation and record keeping.

D. Article 7, Magnetic Particle Examination (Yoke and Prod techniques only):

General rules for applying the Magnetic Particle Method, but not limited to the following:

  1. The Scope of Article 7,

  2. General requirements such as but not limited to: Procedures,Techniques (Yoke and Prod only) ,Calibration, Examination, Interpretation

  3. Documentation and record keeping

E. Article 9, Visual Examination:

General rules for applying Visual Examination method, but not limited to the following:

  1. The scope of Article 9,

  2. General requirements such as but not limited to: Procedures,Physical requirements, Procedure/technique , Evaluation

  3. Documentation and record keeping

F. Article 10, Leak Testing (Mandatory Appendix I – Bubble Test):

General rules for applying the Leak Testing method, but not limited to the following:

  1. The scope of Article 10,

  2. General requirements such as but not limited to : Calibration,Test and Evaluation

  3. Documentation and record keeping

G. Article 23, Ultrasonic Standard Method, Section SE–797 only – standard practice:

The inspector should be familiar with and understand;

  1. The Scope of Article 23, Section SE797,

  2. The general rules for applying and using the Ultrasonic method

  3. The specific procedures for Ultrasonic thickness measurement as contained in paragraph

H. ASME B31.3 and API570: General nondestructive examination requirements:

General rules for NDE (Chapter VI) ASME B31.3 and general rules for NDE in API Standard 570.

we provide standard specifications for welding procedures for all welding process and Brazing. We offer Welder Procedure Specification, Welder Certificate Renewal Process, Procedure Qualification Record, Welder Qualification Testing, welder Training and Welder qualification services in Coimbatore, Trichy, Salem, Erode, Chennai.

Please feel free to reach us to learn more about any of the methods in detail.


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