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Quality Control QC course on Advanced Quality Tools


Quality is a characteristic which defines the products degree of serving the purpose and life of the product.

Quality is the most essential, among the objectives to be achieved to run a successful company, it is the most important tool to earn customers faith.

Quality Control / Quality Assurance is the department which is responsible for ensuring that quality products are achieved .

Quality control is the act of checking the product against the requirement of design and customer.

Quality Assurance is the act of streaming the process towards achieving a quality product in the organization.

Quality assurance is considered the most important department in an successful organization. Make sure that the requirements of customers are met and the product is successful, which in turn will benefit the stake holders for a long run.

Quality Assurance department achieve the job through a structured quality management system, an example of guidelines to such quality management system is given in ISO 9001.

In addition to make the company highly profitable and successful, QA people also involve quality tools in the system.

Few of the Quality Management System & tools are given below

  • APQP – Advanced Product Quality Planning

  • 6 Ω – Six Sigma

  • 5 S – 5 S (Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize & Sustain )

  • 7 S – 5 S (Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain, Safety & Spirit)

  • 7 Q – Process flow chart, Scatter diagram, Pareto diagram, Histogram, Control Chart, Check sheet, Cause and effect diagram,

  • Kaizen – Continuous improvement

  • TQM – Total Quality Management

  • CoQ – Cost of Quality

  • EFQM – European Foundation Quality management Model

All the leading manufacturers and Engineering companies adapts any or most of the above listed tools.

To learn more about the quality management tools contact us at

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