Painting Inspection methods:
Industries which follow international standards, involve various inspection methods to be carried over the painted component.
Few painting inspection methods are given below:
Surface Salt Contamination Test
Humidity & Dew Pint Temperature Test
Dust Level Test
Surface Profile Check
Wet Film Thickness Check
Dry Film Thickness Check
Holiday Test
Cross Hatch Adhesion Test
Pull Of Adhesion Test
Visual Test
Salt Spray Test, etc

All the inspections mentioned above shall be performed with brief understanding of the coating process and complete understanding of the product and inspection standards.
The inspection shall be performed as their asked to be done in the governing standard such as NACE, ISO , ASTM, etc.
The persons with Painting Certifications such as BGAS (British Gas Approved Scheme) and NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) and strong experience in the field of coating and construction shall perform the inspections on your behalf. For third party inspections, painting inspection in coimbatore and surrounding and training call us on 04224342244 of visit
The Painting Inspectors from AQC are experienced in various coating systems such as:
Metallic coating
Non Metallic Coating
In-organic Zinc coating
Passive Fire Protection PFP
FRP coating
Powder coating, etc
We provide the best painting inspection in coimbatore and ndt services in and around coimbatore.
The consultation for any inconvenience in coating can be made through telephonic discussion with our engineers on 04224342244 or visit us on
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