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Training Institute for Welding and NDT


Equipment’s required for Welding Institute set up.

Welding is a process of joining metals or nonmetals such as plastic.

There are different types of welding, and few of them are as below.

  1. SMAW- Shielded Metal Arc Welding (commonly called as ARC welding in the locality )

  2. GMAW – Gas Metal Arc Welding – MIG /MAG

  3. GTAW – Gas Tungsten Arc Welding / TIG – Tungsten Inert Gas Welding

  4. FCAW – Flux Cored Arc Welding

  5. ERW – Electric Resistance Welding

  6. FSW – Friction Stir Welding

  7. SAW – Submerged Arc Welding

  8. LW – Laser Welding

  9. EBW- Electron Beam Welding

  10. GW- Gas Welding

  11. Ultrasonic welding

  • And much more.

A welding process can be done as Manual or Semi- Automated or Automatic / Robotic.

To start up a basic welding Institute it essential to have at least the basic three welding machines – SMAW , GTAW and GMAW welding machines

And machines of Gas Welding , EBW and Laser Welding machines will be of added advantage.

The training institute for welding should have a complete set up of Welding booth with tables and fixtures in a convenient way to aid the beginners, also the Gas Cutting Machines, Cutting and Grinding Power tools shall be provided to them for material preparation.

Adding the class rooms with some of basic testing facility such as Penetrant test, Magnetic Particle Test, Bend Test fixtures with a Universal testing machine, will be great support for the institute to create quality welders.

Below is the list of items to start up a Basic Welder Training Institute.

Hope the above list helps you, for more details feel free to call or visit us

we provide standard specifications for welding procedures for all welding process and Brazing. We offer Welder Procedure Specification, Welder Certificate Renewal Process, Procedure Qualification Record, Welder Qualification Testing, Training Institute for welding and Welder qualification services in Coimbatore, Trichy, Salem, Erode, Chennai.

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