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Liquid Penetrant Testing PT/LPT Inspection Service

PT / LPT Liquid Penetrant Testing inspectionservices are carried out for finding Surface defects, on almost any material except very rough or porous surface materials such as poor cast iron material.

Advanced Quality Centre offers India’s best NDT Inspection Service and we are the most trusted and reliable testing company. We provide Die Penetrant Testing Service, both visible and fluorescent method DP testings are carried out.

What is Liquid Penetrant Testing?

Liquid or Die Penetrant Testing DPT is a surface defect detection method.

Penetrant Testing involves pouring die over the perfectly cleaned surface of the material  and the poured die is allowed to penetrate into the defects. The penetrant thus entered the discontinuities are exposed to developer and the developer sucks out the die and visual presents us the defects as bleed out.

PT is generally carried out on any raw material, root weld, finished weld, repaired surface, machined surface or any material in service.

What are the materials Liquid Penetrant Testing can be done?

PT can be carried out on any materials, except a material with porous surface example: cast iron with large grain structure and flaky grains

The below are the two types of Penetrant Testing:

  1. Type A – Fluorescent method

  2. Type B – Visible method

Consumables for Penetrant Testing, PT Consumables, DP kit:

A penetrant Testing kit consist of following three items:

  1. Cleaner

  2. Penetrant

  3. Developer

for best price for Penetrant testing consumables  visit or call 04224342244, 9489342244, 8668082413

Also we train you for carrying out visible of Fluorescent Penetrant – PT Inspection and certify with ASNT level  II certifications.

For Third Party Inspection services at any location call us or visit us at

For informations on other NDT services and NDT trainings and updates visit

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