Equipments and materials for NDT lab set up
Radiography Testing: 1) X-Ray tube head -450 kV capacity ( only if construction of a exposure room with approval from government is...
Radiography Testing: 1) X-Ray tube head -450 kV capacity ( only if construction of a exposure room with approval from government is...
Acceptance Criteria for Liquid Penetrant Testing -LPT as per ASME , AWS and API standards Liquid penetrant testing simply called as PT....
Quality Assurance Glossary This blog gives you the abbreviations and definitions of terms used in quality Assurance department....
How to interpret Acceptance Criteria for Ultrasonic Testing as per AWS D1.1 The Requirements of Ultrasonic Flaw detector equipment as per...
The following should be considered when selecting equipment for magnetic particle testing. Is equipment for wet or dry method?...